Toasted Mallow and pecan pumpkin pie.

posted by Elvin Willgrass, October 21 2020

Nothing says autumn like the ochre hues of a creamy spiced pumpkin pie, add melty toasted mallows and crunchy golden pecans to the party and you have the perfect slice of autumnal heaven.

Ingredients for pastry

200g plain flour

30g semolina or polenta

1 large beaten egg

2 tbsp caster sugar

100g butter (cold and cubed)

1 heaped tsp ground ginger

Ingredients for pumpkin filling

2 large eggs

300g pumpkin puree

80g sugar

100ml whole milk

100ml double cream

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

¼ tsp ground cloves


Giant mallows cut in half

Handful of pecans


First start with the pastry case, I used a rectangular one but a basic 9’ tin will do the trick.

Grease it well with butter and line the bottom with parchment and grease again.

Rub together the flour and semolina with the cold butter to breadcrumb consistency, then mix through the sugar and ground ginger.

Add the egg and bring together to form a smooth dough.(don’t knead)

Press into a disc and wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180c

Roll out pastry on a well floured  worktop to £1 coin thickness and line the tin with the pastry, allowing to drape over. Line again (over the pastry) with parchment paper and fill with baking beans.

Bake for 20 mins. Remove beans and parchment and cook for a further 5 minutes, now remove from oven and allow to cool.

Tidy the pastry case by trimming off excess pastry with a serrated knife. Set case aside while you prepare filling.

Using a balloon whisk mix together all the filling ingredients and gently pour into the cooled case, now bake on 180c for 25-30 minutes until slightly puffed and glossy.

Cool completely then refrigerate before decorating with pecans and mallows, then using a hot grill or blow torch scorch the top until golden and toasty.

Enjoy with one of our hot chocolate bombs for a totally chocolatey melty mallowy treat!


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