Rice Krispy Snowmen

posted by Kia Gardner, December 13 2021

Get into the Christmas cheer with these super cute snowmen that look a little like penguins too by @foodfitnessfrancesca Fun for the all the family and super safe for everyone, these little treats will get you in the festive mood!




  • Rice Krispies
  • Freedom Marshmallows
  • 1.5 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • Black fondant
  • Candy eyes
  • Dried mango


  1. In a large saucepan over medium-low heat, place your coconut oil.
  2. Once it has melted, add your bag of freedom mallows. Stir until the mallows have melted and your mixture is smooth.
  3. Add in the cereal and stir until all of the cereal is coated.
  4. Scoop the cereal and roll into balls, these will be your snowman head and body.
  5. Using your black fondant, cut out some hats for your snowmen and tear off tiny strips and roll them into a ball for the buttons.
  6. Cut you dried mango slices into triangles, these will be your ‘carrot for your snowman nose.
  7. Add your decorations and pop them in a fridge to cool.
  8. Once cooled you can then enjoy your super cute little snowmen!

allergy free from / Christmas Hot Chocolates / dairy free / dessert2021 / Egg Free / freedom confectionery / freedom mallows / Gelatine Free / GMO Free / marshmallow / No Artificial Flavours / Plant Based / recipe / Vegetarian


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